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Bridal hair style ideas and accessories for spring and summer weddings

Spring time is upon us and we are just about to launch into the wedding season of 2023.

Having been a wedding hairdresser and makeup artist for many years now, it’s always interesting to see how hairstyle fashions change over time. Of course, one thing that doesn’t change is that every bride wants to have fabulous hair on her wedding day.

When I started out as a wedding hairdresser, tiaras were very popular and then there was a big shift into vintage hair accessories, including birdcage veils on combs and little quirky facinators. Then we had a lot of sparkly slides, fresh flowers crowns followed by hair vines. I’ve recently been working with some brides for this summer and interestingly there is quite a few tiaras coming back, which is lovely to see!

I think choosing the right hair accessory for the style is key. Many brides choose the accessory before the style but I often feel it’s better the other way round, so we can get the best hair decoration to fit perfectly with the style we choose. Size and scale is so important as well as the overall design of the piece.

Long bridal hair with flower accessory

There are so many options for brides and it can be overwhelming. Prior to the hair and makeup trial, I normally suggest thinking about what style you would like and bringing some pictures along as an inspiration and starting point for us to work with. Then we can look at these and roughly pin in the shape for you to see what it would look like, before refining the hair and completing the finished style. Some brides come to the trial with the hair accessory they would like to wear on the wedding day. We can then look at where it sits best and try out various positions to get the most natural look.

If you have decided to wear fresh flowers in your hair on the wedding day, I generally advise asking the florist to provide some smaller ones that we can place individually, and then build up on the day to get the right amount of flowery loveliness. I absolutely love doing hair flower arranging!

At the hair and makeup trial I use silk flowers to demonstrate where they would be positioned and how we could use real flowers, on the wedding day, to give the bride a clear idea of the final look.

Take a peek at some hair inspiration from my previous brides.

Wedding hair updo with flower accessory

Bridal hair updo with flower accessory

Long wedding hair with flower accessory

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